Tag Archives: friends

My hair will smell of weed, sweat & beer for the next week.

That’s just what rap concerts do to you. In a roundabout random turn of events, I (the most unlikely suspect) ended up at a rap concert tonight. Somehow, an old college buddy of mine had gotten free tickets from work & invited me to tag along.

I prepared myself after work this afternoon by trying to make myself look cool. You know? I figured that’s what I should do for a rap concert. Leggings, a tunic & a belt. Gladiator sandals. Purple glitter nail polish. Big purple earrings. From that description, you’d think I was going to an 80’s party, but I swear, I looked mildly alright.

Admittedly, I was a little afraid I’d be the only white person there. Not that I have a problem with that, but it may have been a little awkward. I wasn’t, but I was the only white person in our little group that went together. I’m happy to report we joked around about it & I made a few new friends tonight, which is always terrific!

I also have to admit that I didn’t really know any of the rappers performing. They were: 2 Chains, J. Cole & Drake. Now, I’ve heard of Drake (who hasn’t?), but I still didn’t really know any of his songs, but I still danced like I did & had a really good time. Surprisingly, I think J. Cole was my favorite of the three.

Bottom line? I had a blast dancing the night away & I would definitely do it again.


Java Monster + Sketch Convienient Store = Death

I know, I know. In my last post I said I’d see you guys on Monday. It’s Tuesday. No, believe it or not, I did not get my days confused (yet) (this week). I was really bad sick yesterday though. I potentially had some sort of food/drink poisoning. Never, ever down a Java Monster in 30 minutes from a totally sketch convenient store if its the last one on the shelf. You’re welcome for that wise advice.

Anyway, this weekend was crazy awesome. We drove a few towns over on Sunday (2 hours away, I gave J-Bird a car concert the entire way, love you honey) for an art show & to see some family & friends we hadn’t seen in forever.

We visited with my mom & cousin for the first part of the day, which by the way, if you think I’m nuts, my mom is ten times nuttier. Ah, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. When we get together we’re like two very embarrassing peas in a pod for J-Bird. My cousin, Natalie, is my favorite, normal family member (on my side anyway) so its always a joy to see her.

We also met up with our favorite double date couple Haley & Justin for dindins. After that is when we drove home & I got sick & almost died. I’m feeling a little better today, butttttttttttt not much.

Oh, yes. A shout out to my best friend Bernard for graduating on Friday!! Congrats!

So, there’s my weekend in a nutshell. Hope everyone else had a terrific weekend/weekbeginning.


Prom & the fruity boy.

‘Tis the season for prom over at the dress shop I work at. Technically speaking, prom season started a couple months back, but of course, every little high school girl in this area has waited until the last-minute. Poor kids. All the good dresses are already picked over at this point, so I guess they’re gonna end up in either that lilac princess cut or the neon one with most of the midsection cut out, but I digress.

I remember my Junior prom all too well. Unfortunately. My best friend at the time, Kathleen, was in a mildly serious relationship with this boy so I knew they were going to prom together. That meant I was expected to get a date so we could double date for prom. Thing is, the only guy that asked me I didn’t want to go with. His name was Fred Berry, he had bright red hair & he may or may not have been missing a few teeth. I turned him down. Six times.

I went ahead & purchased a sassy prom dress with the intentions of finding a date. My dress was a spaghetti strap, mermaid cut, lime green number with a mesh cut out at the midriff. Whatever. I weighed 40 pounds less then. It was hot.

Months went by. I asked guy friends of mine. They already had dates. Kathleen attempted to set me up. Nothing worked. One week before prom I still didn’t have a date. I didn’t want to be the third wheel. Looks like I was going to have to do the unthinkable: ask Fred to prom.

He was pumped, of course. He took me to a crappy restaurant & I paid for my own meal. He insisted we get to prom an hour early to take pictures that I later found out he expected me to pay for. He wanted me to dance with him on every single song. He topped the charts as one of my worst dates ever.

I ended up leaving early with Kathleen & her boy toy to go bowling. We had a blast. Perhaps three isn’t a crowd.


Midget shotgunner on the stairs!

I hope I didn’t offend anyone with the title, I, of course, am referring to playing video games with J-Bird. I yelled this at him this morning while we were playing my favorite video game, Borderlands. I’m a super big spaz when I play video games. Especially ones where I’m expected to shoot things. I scream, wiggle & die a lot. Needless to say, I’m terrible at them. But, J-Bird still likes playing with me.

I made the comment that I should learn to use the PS3 on my own (I mean, duh, I am computer smart. I own a Mac.) so that I could play when I have friends over. I don’t usually use any electronics or the stove if J-Bird isn’t home. I’m too clumzy & I tend to panic too easily. You realize only 2 people can play at a time? J-Bird responded rationally. I nodded. I only have one friend, so that’s ok.

The one friend thing is only sort of true. I do have trouble making friends as an adult, so most of the “friends” I have as of right now are people I work with & I would only consider them acquaintances. My best friend is Bernard whom I met in college (I think my sophomore year) in biology class. Outside of J-Bird, he’s the friend I talk to the most. Unfortunately, he also lives 2 hours away, so the most hanging out we can do is on Skype, so I still need a good video game buddy that won’t make fun of me when I’m shooting at a rock because I think its trying to attack me.

Maybe I should just stick to board games.


A day long double date & banana spring rolls, oh my.

J-Bird & I don’t make friends easily. I’ve made this clear in earlier posts about myself, but its even harder if you’re trying to make friends as a couple. You know? Finding another couple mildly similar to us to hang out with that can stand us for more than 5 minutes. Introducing Haley & Justin. They’re our couple. Our best friend couple. We met them about a year ago living on the other side of the state.

Thing is, J-Bird & I moved about 4 months ago. Today was the first time we’d gotten to see Haley & Justin since the big move. The 4 of us made big plans, all had to request today off…so we made a huge deal of it & made a day date of it. We met in the middle of the state, J-bird & I driving an hour and a half to see them…all the while J-Bird nodding off or lecturing me about how I have two kinds of singing: 1. the kind where I try to sing really bad or 2. the kind where I try to sing good & it sounds alright. You’d think he’d be used to me singing in the car by now, duh.

We ended up eating lunch & going shopping with Haley & Justin for a while at the nearby mall, then going to see The Vow. Which, I thought might end up on my “Ugly Cry” list, but no. Just no. I was really disappointed by the choppy storyline & the tension between it trying to be about a love story or about Rachel McAdams’ character finding out who she really is. Have any of you seen the movie? Thoughts?

We ended the day long double date with dinner at P.F. Chang’s, which I had only been to one other time. The food was pretty good, the service was terrific, but the highlight of the meal (& potentially the day) was the dessert. OMFG. J-Bird & I ordered the banana spring rolls to share…it was like I had fallen in love all over again & gone to heaven. Pineapple ice cream, bananas, various fruits, drizzled with caramel. No joke…please go to your nearest P.F. Chang’s & order this dessert like now.

Saying goodbye to our best friend couple was hard, actually. As you can see we basically have to stop earth from spinning to get to see them so we don’t know when that’ll happen again, but today turned out to be a terrific day.


I think I’m on the verge of being an anti social hermit.

I really think I’m on the verge of being an anti social hermit, which may be a bit redundant, but I need to drive the point home. Most of you are probably aware of the fact that as you get older, it becomes harder to make friends. Well, that is definitely holding true for me.

High school was alright, I had a circle of friends, a seemingly never-ending amount of people to call/hang out with on the weekends. For the first few years of college, it seemed to happen pretty much the same way. We’d go out, have movie nights, go to events on campus. I had a fairly big circle of friends, always someone to talk on my cell phone to as I walked to class.

My last 2 years of college I became more busy, getting a job & going to school full-time. A lot of my old friends had dropped out/gone their separate ways, plus J-Bird & I were getting more serious. Became more like “acquaintances” with the people we had class with everyday-the people who had the same major as us & we never went hardly anywhere outside of class.

Fast forward to after college. I’ve moved around a lot trying to find jobs. I’ve switched jobs more than I’d like to admit. Because of this, it’s nearly impossible to meet people. Most people I meet are coworkers. Which, in some cases isn’t too bad, but right as I think I might be “getting close” to someone, I move. Ah, so, I had decided to become a hermit. Never leave the house. Ya know.

But, alas, my 2 favorite coworkers invited me out “for drinks” the other night at work. I hesitated. I always say no. I suppose out of pure habit. They begged. They pleaded. I texted J-Bird that’d I’d be late getting home, leave the porch light on. I felt like a loser because as we get to the Mexican restaurant, I had to tell the girls that I couldn’t have margaritas with them due to the medication I am taking. I ordered a sweet tea instead. I felt out of the loop as the other girls have known each other forever & talked about current & past relationships as I tried to fit in. AWKWARD. They then started asking me about my past relationships…something I’m iffy about sharing because I don’t have the greatest track record. Terrific. Apparently, I fail as a friend & at hanging out.

Back to being a hermit.
