Tag Archives: dress shop

I’m giving the universe the stink eye right now.

I suppose we all have them. Bad days, I mean. Today has been one of those days. I could kind of feel it as I got out of bed this morning, that feeling that I tried to shake as I showered & got ready, but it never quite went away.

The rain & clouds doesn’t help, either.

Nor does this yucky Amendment 1 politics talk here in North Carolina.

It all left a bad taste in my mouth this morning. Oh, no, wait. That was just my new mouthwash. Nevermind then.

Things were nuts over at the dress shop, as usual. I had rude people running out my ears. Not literally or my day would have been a lot worse, I imagine. Actually, I ended up getting sent home early because I got really stressed out because this lady wouldn’t stop yelling at me on the phone & I had to leave the sales floor. I broke the number one rule: I lost my cool. I stopped smiling.

I suppose we all have our breaking point, though.

I’m trying not to let that bother me, though. We’re having soup for dindins (perfect for a rainy day) & I just sang along to the JGWentworth commercial, which is always a joy.

I’ve decided to start the week over tomorrow…


Tenacious D, the frog of destiny

Friday night as I was locking up the dress shop I noticed 2 beady eyes staring up at me, so I screamed (duh). Turned out, those beady eyes weren’t a flesh-eating vampire bug, but instead, a green tree frog. Heading back inside, I shouted to the girls that were closing with me Who wants to catch a frog for my husband?

I work with all women. Girly-girl women. So I figured the response would be screams & giggles, but much to my surprise, 10 seconds later we had a shoebox with holes punched in it & gloves & we were catching ourselves a frog. Screams & giggles were now in order as the frog jumped onto the glass door. We caught him! Oh…nope, back on the door. We were all running around trying to get the darn thing in the box. 15 minutes, 4 employees, 1 customer later we had the frog & I was on the phone with J-Bird telling him I had a surprise for him.

I brought him home to an excited J-Bird, but ultimately, we decided not to keep Tenacious D. We decided he belonged in the wild with his other totally rad frog friends. I (of course) snapped a photo before we set him loose.


It was one of those days where I said things like “flask my bobble”.

Actually, it was one of those weekends. This was the longest weekend ever. Mostly because of work. You see, I only work part-time at the dress shop, but I got in a lot of hours over the weekend. Which, I’m happy about, but I’d forgotten what it was like to work like a normal human being. Now I am tiiiiirrreed. Our store was insanely busy & people can be insanely rude. It can also just be difficult to keep your mood up when dealing with said customers.

Yesterday, I worked 8.5 hours & came home to crash out for a really long time. When I awoke, I felt like I’d been drinking for a really long time & I didn’t entirely know where I was. Today, I accidentally stayed an hour over my shift at work without realizing it until I arrived home.

I’m rounding out the weekend with a Sunday night marathon of Storage Wars when my mom calls to tell me she’s coming over tomorrow for a surprise visit. See, my mom lives 3 hours away & just got a new car last week. She’s super pumped to show me her car & we haven’t seen each other since Christmas, so it looks like instead of taking the day off tomorrow, I’m hanging with the mom. Also, giving her directions, a total nightmare. Well, after all the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I AM the worst with directions, well maybe just a close second to her.

Also, I’ve had too many cookies & brownies today. I’d tell you how many, but I’m a little embarrassed. At least I managed to squeeze a real meal in there of pasta. So ha.


Never trust a woman with a fake southern accent.

1938. That’s when the house we live in was built. Old. Vintage if you want to spice it up, make it sound fantastically interesting. No matter how you put it, it adds up to one thing for me: a pain in my butt.

Since moving here a mere 4 months ago we’ve had to already deal with minor issues & repairs as well as major ones (see the post about Mexicans & the heating/cooling unit). Yesterday, of course, was no exception.

J-Bird & I were excited because for once we got to sleep in. He had the day off from work & I didn’t have to be at the dress shop until 4. We had big plans to make breakfast together, but upon entering the kitchen, we got dripped on. Just so you know, getting dripped on in any section of your house is NEVER a good sign. Looking up we found that the ceiling looked like it was about to cave in & the room above that ceiling would be (our one & only) bathroom. Panic ensued.

I quickly dialed a plumber as J-bird tore the secret hiding door (that hides the plumbing) behind out dresser apart. The young lady that answered the phone at the plumber? She had a fake southern accent. Yea. Her name was Mohammed or something, she was not from around here & I immediately didn’t trust her. I explained our problem. She responded with, Oh my! That sounds like a terruble situation ta be in! I’ll need tha owner of tha house to call in, though. I hate my life.

After my father in law had set us up an appointment, the plumber arrived a mere 45 minutes later, claiming we were on the “emergency list”. Terrific. The plumber then proceeded to offend me. You see, we’d had a little snow & ice the evening before (the first of this winter & everyone in NC trips out over winter weather anyway) making the roads slightly slushy early that morning. By 10 am, everything was dry. As the plumber is making small talk with me, he asked me if classes were called off. Scowling, I answer, I wouldn’t know, I’m not a student. I then realize I only made myself look bad because his next remark is, Well I suppose work was called off then? Alright. I’m about to go over & rip his gold earring right out of his ear. Even the plumber thinks I’m a loser? Well, shit.

The plumber figures out there’s not much he can do to fix our situation in the end. Our shower is so…vintage…that he doesn’t know if he can find the proper parts to fix one leak. He temporarily fixed it. The other leak (yes, there’s not one, but two happening), we’ll have to take care of ourselves with some sort of plastic thing from Lowe’s. I don’t know. All I know is that J-Bird is excited about our trip to Lowe’s this evening.

Oh, did I mention we’re looking for a new place to live?


Either could burn you.

I work as a secretary in a dress shop, thus, I answer a lot of phone calls. Meaning, I talk to all the crazies. People complain to me, yell at me, cry to me, laugh with me & occasionally laugh at me. So, I’m basically a therapist without the degree. Or the salary.

The other day, this girl calls to set up an appointment with us, which is perfectly normal & so was the conversation, up until the last few seconds when she suddenly said Do you have a tanning salon in your shopping center? to which I cheerfully replied, No, but we have a Chili’s! To my surprise she said, That’ll work too! Thanks! & hung up.

I’m not really AGAINST tanning per say, I just don’t actively promote it. Especially to someone who sounded like she was already orange. In the middle of winter. She also sounded like she needed a good dessert shooter from Chili’s.
