Tag Archives: bad day

I’m giving the universe the stink eye right now.

I suppose we all have them. Bad days, I mean. Today has been one of those days. I could kind of feel it as I got out of bed this morning, that feeling that I tried to shake as I showered & got ready, but it never quite went away.

The rain & clouds doesn’t help, either.

Nor does this yucky Amendment 1 politics talk here in North Carolina.

It all left a bad taste in my mouth this morning. Oh, no, wait. That was just my new mouthwash. Nevermind then.

Things were nuts over at the dress shop, as usual. I had rude people running out my ears. Not literally or my day would have been a lot worse, I imagine. Actually, I ended up getting sent home early because I got really stressed out because this lady wouldn’t stop yelling at me on the phone & I had to leave the sales floor. I broke the number one rule: I lost my cool. I stopped smiling.

I suppose we all have our breaking point, though.

I’m trying not to let that bother me, though. We’re having soup for dindins (perfect for a rainy day) & I just sang along to the JGWentworth commercial, which is always a joy.

I’ve decided to start the week over tomorrow…
