Tag Archives: old house

Camel cricket & camel toe: both ugly but completely harmless.

As summer quickly approaches, out come the creepy crawlers that lurk in the darkness of the Amityville house. Granted, we expected this to happen.

Our washer & dryer are both down in the basement (which is unfinished) so I have to make regular trips down there to do laundry. I always make J-Bird go with me because its dark (duh) & it smells funny. And, it’s potentially haunted.

3 nights ago, however, we figured out exactly what was haunting our basement. The camel cricket. An evil, spider looking creeper that lurks in the dark waiting to pounce on your pants leg at any given moment. Terrifying. I’d have rather it been a ghost.

Thing is, there’s not just one or two (um…we never get that lucky, guys) there’s like a hundred down there. It’s yet another infestation. Go figure. They’re huge. Well some of them. I also noticed these tiny little black dots & when I got really close in to the floor I realized they were baby camel crickets. I ran straight up the freaking stairs & out the front door screaming. No wonder none of my neighbors ever ask us for sugar.

Anyway, I have no clue what we’re doing about the camel crickets. Suggestions appreciated. Also, photo is courtesy of J-Bird. You guys know I sure as hell didn’t get that close to those nasty suckers.


I got distracted by the creepy basement & the bean dip.

I was supposed to come straight home after work today to start laundry. Its overflowing. Both lights & darks. J-Bird & I have this graphic design event to go to tomorrow evening & we both need to look semi-decent, so laundry needed to be done.

However, when I finally managed to make it through traffic & get through the front door, I was exhausted, but had my mind set on doing laundry. I also have a confession. I never do laundry alone because I’m terrified to go down to our basement alone. That’s where the washer & dryer are: the basement. It’s creepy, dark, smells musty & there’s always camel crickets (google them) down there. I…picked up the laundry, then…froze up.

I then heard a buzzing sound coming from the attic. Dammit. The bees are back. Did they ever really go away? I don’t know. I figured I’d better not hang out near the attic too much longer. Better head back downstairs.

Upon walking into the living room I spotted the bean dip. Yes. Just what I need. An afternoon snack. With the Tostitos chips with the hint of lime. I hope J-Bird doesn’t make me sleep on the couch since I polished off the bean dip.

And never even got the laundry started. Whatever. I get distracted easily.
